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Bushy Park Combustion Turbine Employees
DESC Peaking Modernization Logo

Modernization of the Parr Combustion Turbines

Parr Rendering

At Dominion Energy, we remain committed to providing our customers with safe, reliable, and increasingly clean energy. Dominion Energy is on a trajectory to achieve our goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions across the communities we serve.

Dominion Energy will begin a modernization project at the Parr facility to replace several older peaking generation units with two new, highly efficient and reliable quick-starting units. The project will be contained within the company's existing property in Fairfield County.


Environmental Icon

Improved environmental performance

Powerlines Icon

Increased grid flexibility


Construction Icon

Construction Start Date

Fall 2023

Industrial Icon

In-Service Date

End of 2025

Net Zero Logo

Achieving our net zero goal and a sustainable energy future for South Carolina will require a diverse energy portfolio, a grid with the flexibility to respond quickly to daily and monthly changes in energy usage, and readiness to continue adapting to advancements in technology that will enable us to meet the evolving needs of our customers.

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