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The existing line is built on primarily double-circuit weathering steel lattice towers. The line will be rebuilt using double-circuit galvanized steel monopoles.
Double-Circuit Weathering Steel Lattice Tower
Example of existing structure on this transmission line.
Double-Circuit Galvanized Steel Monopole
Example of a double-circuit galvanized steel monopole.
Our forestry team will survey the area to identify danger trees that need removal. Danger trees are located outside the right of way, and possibly on your property, that have the potential to fall within 10 feet of the transmission wires or structures. Trees and tree limbs that come in contact with electric lines are a leading cause of power outages, especially during storms. Removing danger trees is necessary to help prevent large scale outages in your community.
If we need to access your property, our forestry team or authorized contractors will contact you. We are committed to working safely and courteously on your property. If you have questions or concerns about the right of way corridor, please email or call 800-215-8032.
A clear right of way is a safe right of way. To reliably transmit electric power, Dominion Energy acquires permanent easement rights that allow us to use a property owner's land to construct, operate, and maintain electric power facilities. We require the entire width of the right of way to be clear of structures and certain types of vegetation (including all trees). Although some activities are permitted in rights of way, physical structures like sheds, decks, playground equipment, and swimming pools, are not. We routinely patrol our rights of way, and projects like this one provide another opportunity for us to ensure easements are complying. If you structure is unauthorized and located in the right of way, we will require it to be relocated or removed. We are proactively connecting with individual property owners prior to our necessary construction activities to ensure you have ample time to respond to the encroachment violation.
Dominion Energy's easement rights state that the entire width of the right of way is to be permanently clear of structures and certain types of vegetation (including all trees). Before a property owner makes any changes to the topography or constructs any improvements within a right of way on their property, they must request permission from Dominion Energy. Property owners should contact Dominion Energy even if they have an approved permit from the city or county. Dominion Energy will review the pertinent easement documents, as well as operational and legal requirements. If permission is granted, Dominion Energy will issue a written consent agreement, which will contain certain conditions by which the encroachment will be allowed to take place or remain on the right of way. Failure to obtain prior approval could result in the removal of the encroachment at the property owner's expense. All encroachment requests must be submitted to Dominion Energy's regional right of way representatives. You can find the request form here: Encroachment Request.
Dominion Energy evaluates potential environmental, cultural and historical impacts of the project. We will work with local, state and federal agencies to complete the evaluations and mitigate any impacts. Permits are obtained from appropriate North Carolina agencies, and transmission line projects usually include the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Our enterprise-wide environmental report describes our commitment to the responsible stewardship of natural resources and provides a wealth of information on environmental management and performance. We also invite you to read our Corporate Environmental Policy and our Greenhouse Gas Report.
We do not anticipate impacting your electricity, but if there are any planned temporary disruptions to your power supply, we will make every effort to notify you in advance of that work.
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