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Substation Project Categories

Voltage Island Mitigation

Voltage islands are single-transformer substations which serve customers and don’t have available backup transformers to pick up the electric load in the event of a failure. Mitigating voltage islands means adding additional transformers to current single-transformer substations. This brings redundancy to the grid and reduces outage lengths.

Substation Technology

We are modernizing distribution stations by upgrading certain components that will improve reliability, maintain voltage stability, and increase overall visibility of grid operations. This will help reduce outage response times and integrate renewable energy resources onto the grid.

Safety and Security

We are enhancing physical security at substations to mitigate emerging threats to the energy sector and protect from cyber and physical attacks.

Current Projects

Project Name Location Details
Arlington Substation Arlington County
Carver Substation City of Richmond
Cottage Park Substation Norfolk
Fairfax Substation City of Fairfax
Gretna Substation Pittsylvania County
Grove Avenue Substation City of Richmond
Metcalf Substation Emporia
Shockoe Substation City of Richmond
Thalia Substation City of Virginia Beach

We are also upgrading electric transmission lines near Thalia Substation. For more information on that project, please visit:

Vienna Substation Fairfax County and the town of Vienna
Westcott Substation Fairfax County
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