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Saluda Hydro’s (Saluda’s) Planned Operations are projections reflecting future electrical, mechanical, meteorological (weather), and power demand conditions expected at the time of the posting. These conditions are subject to immediate, unpredictable, unannounced, and uncontrollable change. Because of these conditions, lower Saluda river flows may change at any time and without prior warning. Flows near the dam are reflected on the Current Conditions page, though there may be a slight delay before flow changes appear on the page. As a consequence of the changing nature of operations and the unpredictability of the timing and degree of change, the information on this site must not be relied upon exclusively in planning for recreational outings on the lower Saluda River.

Please note the date and time of the posting of the Planned Operations information. The longer the time since a posting on the Planned Operations page, the greater the potential that conditions have changed and that the Planned Operations information no longer is accurate. Likewise, the longer the time since the posting of the Current Conditions information, the greater the potential that it does not reflect actual river flows. Changes may be immediate and dramatic.

Be especially cautious near the Saluda Dam. The time for users to respond to increases in flows diminishes as one gets closer to the Dam. The rises and falls in river flows and river level are more immediate and dramatic closer to the Dam. Consequently there may be very little time to adjust to those changes.

Where they exist, pay attention to lights and sirens. They signal an expected relatively sudden rise in river flow and level, which will follow within a matter of minutes after light and siren activation. When sirens or lights are activated, leave the river immediately or make sure you are prepared to deal safely with much higher and more forceful flows. Pay attention to river level markings on bridge abutments and poles where they exist. They go from blue (lower flows) to red (higher flows).

Dominion Energy urges that all who recreate on the lower Saluda River wear approved personal flotation equipment at all times while on the river. Not to do so is very risky. The lower Saluda can move from relatively calm to treacherous quickly. Stepping stones and paths disappear under higher flows. Consumption of alcoholic beverages impairs judgment. Unimpaired judgment is important for those who recreate upon the lower Saluda River.


By clicking below, the reader acknowledges that he/she has read and understands the Notice above, understands that the operations and flow information presented herein is subject to immediate, dramatic and unannounced change and accepts that it is his/her personal responsibility to evaluate the conditions on the river and pay close attention to changes in river conditions should he/she engage in recreation on or in the river or recommend it to others.

Dominion Energy South Carolina’s operation of the Saluda Hydro plant changes the water flow on the lower Saluda River. Stay informed of planned operations and sign up for automated alerts when river conditions change.

Lower Saluda River

Current & Planned Operations

Today's Operations

Saluda River flows are expected to be in the yellow range today.

Planned Operations

River flows are expected to be in the yellow range until further notice.

DISCLAIMER: Lower Saluda River levels can rise or fall well after the operation of Saluda Hydro commences or terminates. If operational times are posted, they are approximate and are related to the operation at Saluda Hydro.

Operations can and do happen at any time. The flow and temperament of the lower Saluda River could change anytime without notice.

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