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Dominion Energy

Purpose of Evaluation and Studies

Dominion Energy routinely conducts energy related studies throughout the year in compliance with regulatory orders, rules, and other legislative requirements in Virginia and North Carolina for evaluation, measurement, and verification (EM&V) and studies. These requirements are listed in the table at the bottom of this webpage. These requirements outline the metrics to be studied, study methodologies, and reporting formats.

The EM&V study results are used to (1) measure and verify energy and peak load savings for individual programs, groups of programs and at the portfolio level, (2) generate the data for savings estimates and cost-effectiveness inputs, (3) measure and evaluate the achievements of the performance basis, and (4) evaluate whether programs or portfolio goals are met.

Who is Conducting the Studies and Surveys?

Since you are viewing this webpage, you may have contacted through our contractor by U.S. mail, email, or telephone to provide information regarding a program or a study Dominion Energy is evaluating.  You may be contacted by DNV to gather information on our behalf.

Dominion Energy has contracted with a company that specialize in energy efficiency research and evaluations. This website serves to authenticate their request for information.

DNV Energy Insights, U.S.A, Inc. 1560 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 800. Arlington, VA 22209

Website: or email:

Your answers will be held in the strictest confidence

The States of Virginia and North Carolina has specific laws that protect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals and businesses that choose to participate in this research. As such, all information collected during the course of these studies will be subject to these laws and will be held in the strictest confidence. The information you provide will be combined with other households or businesses that complete the surveys. Results are reported in summaries such as group averages, percentages, and other general statistics.

EM&V Orders, Rules, and Other Legislative Requirements

Authorization Organization Requirement No. Date of Authorization Description Website for More Information
 Virginia State Corporation C Case No. PUR-2020-00156, Final Order October 27, 2021 In the matter of baseline determination, methodologies for evaluation, measurement, and verification of existing demand-side management programs and consideration of a standardized presentation of summary data for Virginia Electric Power Company

Virginia General Assembly Virginia State Code Section 56-585.1 A 5 c  April 11, 2020 Generation, distribution, and transmission rates after capped rates terminate or expire.

Virginia General Assembly 20VAC5-318-50 January 1, 2018 Standard requirements for evaluation, measurement, and verification reporting.

North Carolina G.S. 62-133.9   Cost recovery for demand-side management and energy efficiency measures

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