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North Anna Power Station, located at Lake Anna in Louisa County, Virginia, has established itself as a vital part of Virginia’s energy makeup by producing 17% of the Commonwealth’s energy, 40% of its carbon-free energy, and providing enough safe, reliable, affordable, and carbon-free electricity to serve nearly 450,000 homes.

We received Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approval to extend the operating license an additional 20 years for each unit at both our Surry Power Station and North Anna Power Station, allowing Surry Unit 1 to operate through May 2052, Surry Unit 2 through January 2053, North Anna Unit 1 through 2058, and North Anna Unit 2 through 2060.

North Anna Station Aerial

We are also pursing an operating license extension for V.C. Summer Power Station, evaluating operating license extensions for Millstone Power Station, and exploring small modular reactors (SMRs).

This facility was named after the North Anna River, which was dammed to form the Lake Anna reservoir and the Waste Heat Treatment Facility. Both have become popular outdoor recreational areas whose shorelines are dotted with homes, marinas, campgrounds and a large state park.

About the Environment

A continuous monitoring program shows virtually no environmental impact from operation of the station.

Quick Facts

$711.1 Million
Annual Economic
Impact in VA

Jobs Supported in
Louisa, VA

Production of
Virginia's Electricity

Water Temperatures, Levels & the Waste Heat Treatment Facility

North Anna uses water from Lake Anna to condense steam back to water inside the station, and the water is returned to the lake slightly warmer than when it was taken. The discharge water cools in private lagoons.

NOTE: Dominion Energy responds to reports of suspected Harmful Algae Blooms in the Waste Heat Treatment Facility - visit the WHTF page for details.

Additional information

Dominion Energy requires property owners who want to build any structures or make improvements on their waterfront boundary property to first apply for authorization. The Construction and Use Agreement process establishes an understanding of acceptable usage between the adjacent owners to Dominion Energy's shore land surrounding Lake Anna.

A Management Plan establishes written guidelines for Dominion Energy's management of the WHTF located adjacent to North Anna Power Station.

If you have questions, email the North Anna Reservoir Coordinator, or call 540-894-2307.

Dominion Energy’s policy is to conduct business in an environmentally responsible manner that protects the public, our employees, and the environment.

The Lake Anna and Waste Heat Treatment Facility (WHTF) are intended to protect station operations, public health, ecological health, and recreational use of Lake Anna Reservoir (public) and the WHTF (private) against potentially harmful algal blooms and other environmental impacts. Additionally, these protections will help restore native aquatic grasses and mitigate spread of invasive grasses.

Aquatic vegetation has numerous ecological benefits including but not limited to mitigating algae blooms, stabilizing bottom sediment and shorelines, erosion protection from wave energy, reducing and improving muck bottoms, improving fish habitat, and filtering out excess nutrients and waste in the water column.

View the Lake Anna and WHTF Vegetation Control Policy

SMR stands for small modular reactor. There is no universally accepted definition in the industry. The term “SMR” is generally used to describe any reactor technology in the 50 MW to 350 MW electric output range.

Learn more here.

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